Влажните подруми не можат целосно да се користат и може да ја загрозат градежната материја. Нудиме различни методи за правење на подрумите трајно водоотпорни: однадвор со полимерно модифицирани густи филмски заптивки, минерални запечатувачки кашеста маса или ладна самолеплива хидроизолациона мембрана – при што целата површина на надворешниот ѕид се третира и на тој начин се заштитува од пенетрација на вода. Во случаите за поправка, надворешната хидроизолација може да се постави дури и од внатрешноста на подрумот. Овој метод се нарекува „вбризгување на завесата“.
Во ситуација на поправка, подрумот може да биде водоотпорен одвнатре без да се ископа почвата околу зградата. Ова значи дека подрумот е трајно хидроизолиран без потреба од вршење на било каков вид земјени работи. Овој тип на хидроизолација е возможен со системите KÖSTER дури и кога ѕидот има активни протекувања.
This field poses the highest demands on waterproofing. It must be able to resist the weather, be waterproof and provide a certain structural stability. Also, outside the movements of the construction members are usually comparably large so that it is necessary to use waterproofing systems with high crack bridging capabilities.
Waterproofing drinking water storage structures and tanks is a task that demands reliable and durable materials that meet all the technical and sanitary requirements. Ease of application, as well as type of substrate, are conditions that may lead the use of a specific system. The system used should also be free of development of micro-organisms on the surface and at the same time, allow an easy and periodical cleaning method, with non-harmful substances.
Waterproofing swimming pools has unique requirements on the surface waterproofing materials, as well as on the sealing compounds for details and penetrations. The systems must not only provide a suitable substrate for liners, elastomeric paints, or tiles, but they also have to resist both positive and negative side water pressure. Movements of the substrate cannot be ruled out; therefore, the installation of flexible materials is essential.
Leaking sewage pipes in wastewater treatment plants lead to considerable damage which is often discovered very late. When restoring such damage it is important to mitigate the different types of damages with waterproofing systems which are specifically adapted to the need. The damage analysis reveals if locally limited waterproofing of the leakage is sufficient or if the entire area has to be protected from chemical attack.
Car Parking as well as bridge deck Waterproofing demand high standards on the materials, not only during their installation and resilience to hot bitumen on asphalt roads, but also on the durability when exposed to harsh environmental conditions and dynamic loads. A suitable system must therefore, be able to withstand high temperatures, provide adequate bond and create a flexible and reliable waterproofing barrier.
A hydraulic structure is a man-made structure submerged or partially submerged which disrupts the natural flow of water in order to use it for other purposes, such as energy production, storage and even protection (against flooding). These structures are commonly known as dams.
Other types of man-made structures that deal with big quantities of water are canals and artificial lakes, that are mostly used for storage and irrigation purposes for agriculture and drinking water transport, but also for hydropower production.
Влажните подруми не можат целосно да се користат и може да ја загрозат градежната материја. Нудиме различни методи за правење на подрумите трајно водоотпорни: однадвор со полимерно модифицирани густи филмски заптивки, минерални запечатувачки кашеста маса или ладна самолеплива хидроизолациона мембрана – при што целата површина на надворешниот ѕид се третира и на тој начин се заштитува од пенетрација на вода. Во случаите за поправка, надворешната хидроизолација може да се постави дури и од внатрешноста на подрумот. Овој метод се нарекува „вбризгување на завесата“.
Во ситуација на поправка, подрумот може да биде водоотпорен одвнатре без да се ископа почвата околу зградата. Ова значи дека подрумот е трајно хидроизолиран без потреба од вршење на било каков вид земјени работи. Овој тип на хидроизолација е возможен со системите KÖSTER дури и кога ѕидот има активни протекувања.
This field poses the highest demands on waterproofing. It must be able to resist the weather, be waterproof and provide a certain structural stability. Also, outside the movements of the construction members are usually comparably large so that it is necessary to use waterproofing systems with high crack bridging capabilities.
Waterproofing drinking water storage structures and tanks is a task that demands reliable and durable materials that meet all the technical and sanitary requirements. Ease of application, as well as type of substrate, are conditions that may lead the use of a specific system. The system used should also be free of development of micro-organisms on the surface and at the same time, allow an easy and periodical cleaning method, with non-harmful substances.
Waterproofing swimming pools has unique requirements on the surface waterproofing materials, as well as on the sealing compounds for details and penetrations. The systems must not only provide a suitable substrate for liners, elastomeric paints, or tiles, but they also have to resist both positive and negative side water pressure. Movements of the substrate cannot be ruled out; therefore, the installation of flexible materials is essential.
Leaking sewage pipes in wastewater treatment plants lead to considerable damage which is often discovered very late. When restoring such damage it is important to mitigate the different types of damages with waterproofing systems which are specifically adapted to the need. The damage analysis reveals if locally limited waterproofing of the leakage is sufficient or if the entire area has to be protected from chemical attack.
Car Parking as well as bridge deck Waterproofing demand high standards on the materials, not only during their installation and resilience to hot bitumen on asphalt roads, but also on the durability when exposed to harsh environmental conditions and dynamic loads. A suitable system must therefore, be able to withstand high temperatures, provide adequate bond and create a flexible and reliable waterproofing barrier.
A hydraulic structure is a man-made structure submerged or partially submerged which disrupts the natural flow of water in order to use it for other purposes, such as energy production, storage and even protection (against flooding). These structures are commonly known as dams.
Other types of man-made structures that deal with big quantities of water are canals and artificial lakes, that are mostly used for storage and irrigation purposes for agriculture and drinking water transport, but also for hydropower production.